Jarrett加德纳, 苏帕特森, CAPS counselor Alyssa Luther Vasko, 和 student Kadyn Carey at the NCAA 包容 Forum.

Building Belonging, Inviting 包容

贾勒特·加德纳正在利用他作为学生运动员的身份创造一个让每个人都感到安全的校园, 欢迎, 并接受.
Jarrett加德纳 at a home men’s basketball game

Jarrett加德纳 at a home men’s basketball game


As center for the 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校 men’s basketball team, Jarrett加德纳 attended this year’s NCAA 包容 Forum. 在那里,他得到了一个难得的机会,参加了一个只面向少数人的新项目. That initiative made a big impact on Gardner. 反过来,他也在对学院的包容和归属感产生自己的影响.

他从家乡佛罗里达州的一所小型社区大学毕业后, Gardner was recruited in 2021 to play basketball for 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校. Thrilled with the opportunity, 他现在正在攻读刑事司法学位,同时担任球队的中锋.

“It’s just awesome playing for 和 representing Penn State. It’s nice being on a team for a small college. Everybody knows you as a student-athlete, but they also know you as a person. It’s been amazing for me.”

加德纳是十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校选出的两名学生运动员之一,他们将参加2024年NCAA包容论坛, which took place in April in Indianapolis.

Jarrett加德纳’s forum pass

Jarrett加德纳’s forum pass


每年举办, 该论坛汇集了高等教育和校际体育的领导者,讨论多样性, 股本, 包容, 和 belonging initiatives (DEIB). Educational programming focuses on five core areas of 包容: disability, 国际性, 同性恋群体, 种族/民族, 和女人. 


Keynote speakers included Dawn Staley, 是谁带领南卡罗莱纳女子篮球队获得了2024年NCAA一级女子篮球锦标赛的冠军, 和LZ Gr和erson, 的专栏作家 洛杉矶时报ABC新闻 贡献者. Staley addressed ways to advance 股本 on campus 和 in the media, while Gr和erson spoke about the unifying power of sports. Attendees also heard from Keith Harrison, 商学教授, 嘻哈, 和 sport at the University of Central Florida, who talked about the intersection of 嘻哈 music 和 athletics. 

分组会议和小组讨论涵盖了适应性体育项目发展等主题, 使用包容性语言, underst和ing implicit bias, 和 effectively coaching Generation Z student-athletes.

加德纳与CAPS顾问Alyssa Luther Vasko和学生Kadyn Carey在NCAA包容论坛上.

加德纳与CAPS顾问Alyssa Luther Vasko和学生Kadyn Carey在NCAA包容论坛上.


加德纳说:“演讲者给了我们各种各样的工具和策略,让我们把它们带回校园。. “我带着很多想法和方法离开,我们可以改善十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校的DEIB.”

But what made this a st和-out year for the conference, 和 for Gardner in particular, was the launch of the new Student-Athlete Symposium, hosted in conjunction with the forum. This symposium offered individualized educational programming to engage, 装备, 并授权学生运动员在他们的团队中参与并为DEIB活动做出贡献, 体育部门, 校园, 和社区. 

加德纳是从提名表格中挑选出来参加研讨会的60名学生之一, a group comprised of twenty students from each of NCAA Division I, II, 和 III sports from across the United States.

He was nominated by 苏帕特森, 多样性主任, 股本, 包容, 和 Belonging at 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校, 部分原因是他在对话促进小组All Voices in dialogue和学生运动员咨询委员会的工作. Patterson also noted his overall presence 和 engagement with his peers. “Jarrett is a quiet leader who makes others feel 欢迎,” she says. “他柔和、温和的领导方式邀请其他人加入,同时呼吁他们站起来. His selection for the symposium was well-deserved.”

加德纳说,他的提名是一个惊喜,被选中是一个难以置信的荣誉. “我太兴奋了. NCAA是一个大事件,被视为值得在会议上增加一个项目的人真的很特别.”

Jarrett加德纳, 苏帕特森, CAPS counselor Alyssa Luther Vasko, 和 student Kadyn Carey at the NCAA 包容 Forum.

Jarrett加德纳, 苏帕特森, CAPS counselor Alyssa Luther Vasko, 和 student Kadyn Carey at the NCAA 包容 Forum.


研讨会的发言者谈到了在校园建立关系和创造归属感的环境. Plenary sessions focused on inclusive language, 适应性运动项目, 股本, sexual violence prevention, best practices around the 包容 of trans 和 nonbinary athletes, 和 ways to safeguard athletes’ well-being.

加德纳很高兴见到来自全国各地NCAA各部门的运动员,倾听他们的故事,并在困难中建立联系. 但这次会议也是为了倾听不同的经历和挣扎, then exploring emotions 和 solutions.

加德纳说:“这是关于建立联系,认识和我一样在旅途中的人。. “作为学生运动员,我们都在一起成长,作为一个整体,我们可以如此强大.”


加德纳没有浪费时间. Shortly after returning from the conference, 他和帕特森会见了十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校的校长罗恩·达博和布伦特·贝尔德, 体育主任, to discuss outreach at the college. 加德纳希望加强现有的项目,并实施新的项目.

受到会议上关于心理健康的对话的强烈影响, 他希望为运动员提供心理健康小组,专业人士可以在那里分享信息和应对工具. 小组讨论还将为学生运动员提供一个机会,让他们在一个安全的地方分享他们的想法和挣扎.

“When you see me on campus, you see a guy who’s always smiling 和 trying to make everybody else smile. But I have my own struggles that I don't really talk about. I know my teammates probably aren’t either. I want to make it okay to speak truth to mental health problems 和 issues.”

加德纳还对在田径运动中启动一项指导计划感到兴奋,该计划将高年级学生与刚刚开始大学生涯的学生配对. In his meeting with Darbeau 和 Baird, 加德纳谈到,在他的第一年,如果有知名运动员向他展示诀窍,并与他分享资源,那将是多么有帮助. He talked about how as a student of color, his experience during that time was different than that of white students. 认识到这一点,并提供更多的包容手段,不仅会让学生成为运动员, but their peers across campus, have a better sense of belonging.



“It was wonderful watching Jarrett throughout the conference,” she says. “我相信这对他来说是革命性的,他意识到自己可以对他人产生影响.”

“It was a great experience, very inspiring. I think it was much needed for me,” says Gardner. “它帮助我发现我有一个重要的声音,我可以用它来改善校园的事情, especially for student-athletes. 我希望我能成为创造一个更包容、更安全的环境的起点. I’m grateful to have had this opportunity.”