Chloe Mazza doing work in a 生物学 lab

The Beauty of 研究

On a whim, Chloe Mazza applied for a competitive internship with L’Oreal. 她从来没有想过自己会被选中在这个夏天为世界领先的美容公司做研究.

What do bowling, 生物学, and L’Oreal have in common?


马扎是一个精力充沛、精力充沛的年轻女子,因为打保龄球而来到十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校. An avid bowler in high school, 她收到了几所一级学院和大学的邀请来参加这项运动. 但马扎想要学习STEM,对把保龄球作为她大学生涯的重点并不感兴趣. 当她发现十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校有一个女子D3保龄球队,而这正是她想要学习的, 她全身心投入.

She’s now a third-year student majoring in 生物学/vertebrae physiology and plans to pick up a minor in 环境研究. 她是学生会副主席,与学院的学生会密切合作 Center for Student and Civic 订婚.

“Here at 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校, people know each other. 他们知道我的私事,这让我感到很舒服,很受支持. I have no regrets turning down those D1 offers and coming here. It’s just been so much fun.”

During the 2022 fall semester, 马扎意识到,在L’oracimal USA的研究与创新部门(R&我)中心.

欧莱雅美国是欧莱雅集团最大的子公司,欧莱雅集团是世界领先的美容公司. R&I中心是推动十大网投平台信誉排行榜和服务背后的科学和技术研究工作的地方. This research focuses on innovations across the spectrum of hair, 皮肤。, 以及化妆品类别,同时通过绿色科学和美容技术等科学领域进行开创性研究.

每年, 成千上万正在学习STEM的三年级大学生申请L’oracimal USA暑期实习项目&我中心. No more than fifteen are accepted. “It’s very competitive but a huge opportunity,” says Mazza. “我想我也应该站出来,至少申请一下, just to see what would happen.”

事情是这样的:马扎被选中进入招聘流程的下一个步骤——l ' orsamal 30 Day, a day in November full of interviews, 演讲, and even a group project with other applicants. 她对自己的表现感到很乐观,并预计几天后才会有消息. 但就在那个晚上, in the middle of a class, she received a call from the man who had conducted the interviews.

她走出房间去回答,听着他告诉她有一个巨大的申请池,里面有很多人才, with her 生物学 background, the internship might not be the best fit for her.

“I was like, okay, just rip off the band-aid and tell me it’s a no. 但后来他说,‘考虑到这一点,我很乐意给你提供实习机会.’ And I broke down, and ugly cried. 对我来说,我能够很好地代表自己,在一群来自常春藤盟校的化学工程师中脱颖而出,这对我来说意义重大. It was really something incredible. And I'm forever grateful.”

“While this program typically recruits chemistry and engineering students, 克洛伊表现出了获得这些实习职位的动力和能力,Lara LaDage说, associate professor of 生物学 and undergraduate research coordinator. “这段经历对她未来的研究生涯将是非常宝贵的,同时让她能够与该领域的专家建立联系,并培养在私人研发环境中取得成功所需的技能。.”

Chloe Mazza and Cairsty DePasquale in a 生物学 lab

Chloe Mazza and her research adviser, Cairsty DePasquale, associate professor of 生物学, discuss their work in the lab.


这个为期11周的带薪实习将于今年夏天在新泽西州进行. 马扎将与一位导师配对,并被分配到六个研究和创新团队中的一个:应用科学, 制定科学, 高级研究, 评价, 分析化学, or technology incubation. 她将全面参与团队的日常活动,并承担全职员工的职责. 她将有空间和鼓励与高层管理人员分享想法和见解, which may be implemented within the research center. 专业发展,网络和培训是通过该计划提供的.

实习的另一个令人兴奋的部分是,Mazza将创建并领导她自己的个人战略项目. She is considering something with sustainability, perhaps looking at product packaging and biodegradability. At the end of the summer, Mazza will present her project to R&一、高层领导, 哪种情况可能会让你获得管理培训生项目的offer,甚至是全职工作.

L'Oreal leaders say innovation has long fueled the business, 他们依靠这种创新来推动社会和环境问题的演变和变革. 从可持续性, 自然再生, and climate change to supporting and empowering vulnerable women, inclusivity in marketing and advertising, 性别平等, and men’s mental health, Mazza says the company aligns with her morals and values.

“L'Oreal is so much more than just a makeup company. 有了它所包含的一切,我觉得它直接适用于我,体现了我作为一个人. 我可以看到自己在这里做得很好,并成为他们为世界所做的榜样.”

马扎将她在十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校的时光归功于她的大部分个人和职业成长. 她说,在学生会工作教会了她如何展示自己,如何代表一个组织. Her classes helped hone her public speaking and organizational skills, while participating in clubs developed her leadership abilities. 在大学里的每一次经历都增强了她的信心,为这次机会做好了准备.

“毫无疑问,十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校帮助我成长,并以新的方式看待和欣赏世界. I know that my time here is going to help me excel this summer.”

But first, Mazza must get through the spring semester. 她知道前面的路会很艰难,所以她把实习作为一种动力来坚持下去. “我知道有时候我为了考试学习了好几个小时,但成绩却不太好. 总有那么几天,我不想起床,不想学习,不想处理所有其他的事情,但知道有什么在等着我,这是激励和推动我前进的动力. It’s going to be so much fun. 我等不及了.”