Penn State, Shell announce collaboration focused on energy and sustainability

宾州大学公园. -十大网投平台信誉排行榜和壳牌美国公司. have announced the launch of a collaboration that will support efforts across the University’s mission of research, 教育及社区影响. An initial commitment from Shell of more than $1 million will fund initiatives focused on energy transition, 脱碳, 聚合物回收与生物多样性, and the creation of an inclusive and innovative energy workforce.

“Sustainability is a shared priority and responsibility that will require collaboration among industry leaders like Shell and research institutions like Penn State to develop the advances that will help our commonwealth, 国家和世界在遥远的未来继续繁荣,十大网投平台信誉排行榜校长尼利·本达普迪说. “我对壳牌的持续发展表示感谢, 对这项重要工作的多方面支持, and I am excited to continue exploring how our collective expertise and belief in innovation can create far-reaching positive impacts.”

壳牌美国公司高级副总裁艾玛.S. 化学品及产品, 说, “Our strategy and our purpose is to provide more and cleaner energy for today and the future. This demands we support inclusive and economically vibrant communities. We believe Penn State can be an invaluable partner in achieving this progress. Cooperation among industries and academia represents the pathway to answer the challenges of the future.”

Shell support includes investments in opportunities for Penn State students to build capability and talent for the workforce of the future that will be vital to take on the challenges of a changing energy system. Student organizations in the colleges of Engineering and Earth and Mineral Sciences and the Smeal College of Business received funding for their activities, 特别关注追求更大多样性的群体, 在各自领域实现公平和包容. Shell also has provided resources for hands-on education through Penn State programs, including the 工程学院的学习型工厂 以及地球与矿物科学学院的实地课程. 其他资助措施包括:

  • 十大网投平台信誉排行榜贝伦德和 十大网投平台信誉排行榜先进资源效率中心 will analyze the current state of polymer recycling in 宾西法尼亚 — a critical question for economic development and industrial decision making. Polymers are prevalent in products such as tires and synthetic fabrics, and recycling them can mitigate the impact of plastics in the environment and create efficiencies in resource use.

  • 在地球与矿物科学学院, Shell funding will help to assess 宾西法尼亚’s role as an energy producer in the Northeast, focusing on the demand for natural gas and the potential of renewables and biofuels as the commonwealth explores a future of net-zero carbon emissions that also allows for economic vitality.

  • Both faculty and student researchers at 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校 will partner with Shell Pipeline Company LP to study the effects of pipeline right-of-way vegetation management on flora and fauna, with a goal of maintaining habitats and biodiversity through strategic conservation practices.

  • 在农业科学学院, home to some of the nation’s top food sensory and consumer scientists, research will explore consumer perception of polymer-based packaging, with funding from Shell 化学品及产品 going toward postdoctoral, 本科生和工作人员 感官评价中心.

  • 支持举办圆桌会议,汇聚业界人士, 非营利组织, government and academic leaders to continue to build a diverse and interdisciplinary community dedicated to energy transition and 脱碳 in the commonwealth.

“We are just beginning to tap the potential of this emerging partnership between Penn State and Shell,安德鲁·里德说, 负责研究的大学高级副校长. “Our faculty and students bring both expertise and enthusiasm to every discipline engaged in energy transition, 脱碳及相关工作, and Shell’s deep commitment to the commonwealth and the company’s global reach will help our research to have an impact close to home and around the world.”


Corporate partnerships advance the University’s historic land-grant mission to serve and lead. 通过慈善事业, alumni and friends are helping students to join the Penn State family and prepare for lifelong success; driving research, outreach and economic development that grow our shared strength and readiness for the future; and increasing the University’s impact for families, patients and communities across the commonwealth and around the world. 欲知详情,请浏览 提高.事业单位.edu.

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